About Kaiser cat cinema
an alt-history show on every screen. an alt-history book in every store.

the (alt-)history of our team
Kaiserreich and Kaiser cat cinema
Kaiserreich is a series of alt-history modifications first developed for the Hearts of Iron game series in the early 2000's. The universe was based on a single, simple premise: 'What if Germany had won WW1?'. The project was founded as 'All the Russia's' by an anonymous internet user known only under the nickname 'Sarmatia1871'. To this day, Sarmatia's true identity is known to very few people.
A Kaiserreich artist, Vincent founded Kaiser Cat Cinema (KCC) in 2016 with a group of former Kaiserreich mod developers. Our aim became spreading the world of Kaiserreich far and wide. Later, we also began producing our own alt-history shows and projects, such as The Divided States and American Kingdoms.

Merchandise and crowdfunding
The idea for Kaiser Cat Cinema was born at PDX-CON 2017. For the occasion, I had painted three Kaiserreich propaganda posters which were handed out for free at the convention. These posters became an unexpected cult hit: After the convention, many community members asked for the option to buy their own posters.
From there, we began exploring the idea of making content on a crowdfunded platform. Our collective of artists produce freely available content for Youtube and other channels, and the community is free to donate to us via Patreon or buy merchandise.

Comics, shows and animations
Alongside universe videos, we also create comics, animatics and even live action short film exploring various alt-history themes. Our projects include.
• The Divided States, an animatic/comic series set during the Second American Civil War.
• Nights in Shanghai, a noir audio drama set in Kaiserreich's Legation Cities.
• American Kingdoms, an audio series exploring a medieval reimagining of the Revolutionary War.
If you'd like to learn more, visit our project sites below!

Patreon programme
An important part of our crowdfunding initiative is including our Patreons and Crew in all our art and animations. This way, we ensure all our Patreons are immortalised in our shows and animations.
'So that every project may be an enduring testament to the willpower of the Kaiser Cat Cinema Patreon'.
Discover our projects!
Long-form documentaries, animatics, and even live action. Go check us out on Youtube!