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The alt-history collective

Kaiser Cat Cinema is a group of artists, writers, actors and musicians creating crowd-funded alt-history content for all platforms. You can support our projects by purchasing some of our original art prints, flags and merchandise. Every sale helps us create more free content!

Newest release

Kaiserreich Documentary e.08: Bulgaria. Bulgaria is in a race against time to stabilise the country... or risk total annihilation in a Fourth Balkan War

Newest release

Kaiserreich Documentary e.08: Bulgaria. Bulgaria is in a race against time to stabilise the country... or risk total annihilation in a Fourth Balkan War

About the founder

As a kid, Vincent would get into trouble for drawing German tanks on math tests. After retiring from the Kaiserreich mod team, he set upon the task of bringing the mod's incredible lore to Youtube. From there, he built KCC - a collective of creators focused on making original alt-history content.

About Kaiser Cat Cinema

We are an international collective of writers, artists, actors and musicians - joined in their common love for the alt-history genre. The mission is simple: An alt-history show on every screen, an alt-history book in every store!

Enlist today!

the patreon cameo programme

KCC Patreons make cameo appearances in our art and animations.
They will stand - but will you?