KCC Digital Gift Card - Red Card ($25)

Important: Our Gift Cards are digital only. Upon buying, you will receive an email with a generated code with the gift card's value which can be redeemed instantly. 

Trying to find that perfect alt-history gift for a friend, spouse or loved one? Never heard of Kaiserreich before and profoundly confused by the difference between Totalist CSA flags and Mosleyist post-charter UoB designs? We've got just the thing for you!

(By the way, never confuse a RadSoc CSA fan with a totalist one, that's about as bad as calling MarLibs a NatPop, my heavens!)

Kaiser Cat Gift Cards have got you covered. Simply pick up a gift card and send it to someone as a present, and let them pick out their favourite piece of merch. 

KCC Digital Gift Card - Red Card ($25)

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